about me

artist COACH troublemaker

artist lovin’ bold colours and textures

When I make art and I’m in the flow I feel like I have wings of gold and a heart filled with love.

Of course there are days when all I create are happy mistakes, and I question what am I doing? But there is nothing quite like mixing paints and starting a new painting with the thought “I wonder where this is going?” I’ll let you into a secret … I never really know how it’s going to turn out, despite planning, rough drafts and studies. But that’s the fun of being an artist and I have to admit that I really do like surprises.

coach taking the sting out of change

I can listen to people talk about their passions and dreams all day. I love seeing the twinkle in their eyes and the smile that lights them up as they have an AHHA moment, and make choices that they are genuinely excited about.

TROUBLEMAKER last to leave at parties

I’m the friend that says ‘oh, we’ve missed the train, lets grab a drink” and you end up missing the next train, and the next.

I’m also the person that asks the awkward questions that everyone wants to know.

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